圣诞英语儿歌歌词 焦点观察

来源:互联网 发布时间:2023-02-14 14:29:02





I"m dreaming of a White Christmas

银色圣诞 我思我梦

Just like the ones I used to know

宛如昨日 蔼蔼蒙蒙

Where the treetops glisten

碧树 光耀灼灼

And children listen

孩童 驻足聆听

To hear sleigh bells in the snow

雪橇声铃 悠扬叮咚

I"m dreaming of a White Christmas

银色圣诞 我思我梦

With every Christmas card I write

叮咛祝福 殷殷递送

May your days be merry and bright

愿你日日 欢喜灿丽

And may all your Christmases be white

年年圣诞 白雪大地

I"m dreaming of a White Christmas

银色圣诞 我思我梦

Just like the ones I used to know

彷佛昨日 皑皑蒙蒙

Where the treetops glisten

碧树 熠熠闪烁

And children listen

孩童 驻足聆听

To hear sleigh bells in the snow

雪橇声铃 悠扬叮咚

I"m dreaming of a White Christmas

银色圣诞 我思我梦

With every Christmas card I write

诗句一一 情意正浓

May your days be merry and bright

愿你时时 欢欣绚丽

And may all your Christmases be white

岁岁圣诞 晶莹大地


To say we"re doing splendidly

But it"s very cold out here in the snow

Marching to win from the enemy

Oh, I say it"s tough, I have had enough

Can you stop the Cavalry?

I have had to fight, almost every night

Down throughout these centuries

That is when I say, oh yes, yet again

Can you stop the Cavalry?

Mary Bradley waits at home

In the nuclear fall-out zone

Wish I could be dancing now

In the arms of the girl I love

Dub a dub a dum dum

Dub a dub a dum

Dub a dum dum dub a dub

Dub a dub a dum

Dub a dub a dum dum

Dub a dub a dum

Dub a dum dum dub a dub

Dub a dub a dum

Wish I was at home for Christmas

Bang, that"s another bomb on another town

While Luzar and Jim have tea

If I get home, live to tell the tale

I"ll run for all presidencies

If I get elected I"ll stop, I will stop the Cavalry

Dub a dub a dum dum

Dub a dub a dum

Dub a dum dum dub a dub

Dub a dub a dum

Dub a dub a dum dum

Dub a dub a dum

Dub a dum dum dub a dub

Dub a dub a dum

Wish I was at home for Christmas

Wish I could be dancing now

In the arms of the girl I love

Mary Bradley waits at home

She"s been waiting two years long

Wish I was at home for Christmas

标签: white christmas歌词

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